You know that feeling when you know projects are not going to get finished in time? That Christmas quilt you imagined lying over the back of the sofa; the table mats for Christmas morning? Well, I've decided to let go and say they won't be finished for this year. I've given it my best shot but life has got in the way. An elderly aunt passed away and we will be travelling to her funeral next week. This will mean 7 hours driving in one day starting at 5am.
I was feeling a bit panicky about the projects but have decided to finish off the handmade gifts I was knitting instead. I have finished off one Tiny Tea Leaves cardigan for Lexie. I made the size 6 years for her as she has just turned 5 but I think it has turned out too large so I will be putting it in the drawer until next year. I blogged about it here.
While we were in northern France last week I found a delightful new yarn shop in Montreuil called "Un point, c'est tout" at 48, Rue d'Hérambault, Montreuil-sur-mer. This is the first time I have had to use my school girl French to buy wool, needles and buttons. All quite technical terms but somehow we managed.
The shop stocks a wide range of yarns from Bérgere de France. I love their yarns but they are quite expensive in the UK so of course I was tempted. I chose a new yarn with sequins called Miroir - the color is Rose Pastel, a beautiful pale pink. It is 41% wool with some acrylic and polyester added. The sequins are tiny and just catch the light. I bought 6 balls and some beautiful silver buttons with tiny flowers for a size 4 party Tiny Tea Leaves. I have not found a shop with such a range of buttons in the UK. It always seems a shame to finish a garment with boring buttons so if anyone knows of a good source please let me know.
I started the new cardi as soon as we arrived home. The yarn knits up quite well but has a tendency to split. It feels a bit like knitting with a cotton yarn which is a bit odd but looks lovely with the twinkly sequins. I just have to knit the second front band and the sleeves. I think I am getting the hang of this top down knitting now and I was so pleased with my first attempt at knitting the sleeves on double pointed needles. I hope to finish the second sleeve this weekend so I can wash and block in time to include the cardi in with the other presents.
This is my current bedtime reading. It is atmospheric, well written and set in the wilds of North Cumbria.
My last project is Isobel's Little Honey cardigan just needs sewing together, washing and blocking. It will be a busy weekend. Photo in the New Year.
I'd like to wish anyone who takes the time to read my ramblings a very
Happy Christmas
This will be my last post before Christmas as next week will be ever so slightly manic. Enjoy yourselves in whatever way pleases you most and I'll see you in the New Year.
I'm linking to Wool on Sundays, #knityourlist with Tin Can Knits, and yarn-along(next Wednesday).