Monday, 3 February 2014

Amethyst block

Well, it's February and the second block in the Classic Meets Modern QAL was announced by Erin on Saturday. She chose the Amethyst block.

It looked easy enough I thought.

….So why have I struggled all day???  Those Y seams, thats why. I have done Y seams by hand on my sampler quilt but never on a machine. Erin suggested two tutorials to help.

I followed Elizabeth's method and really struggled. I sewed, snagged, unpicked and almost threw them in the bin. I tried with a second block but I'm not totally happy. The Y's are really lumpy and I would be ashamed to show the backs of the blocks.

first attempt
I've run out of steam this afternoon so I'm going to leave it until next week when I will have more time to try again. I'll try Faith's method then.

If you have any thoughts or tips they would be appreciated. I'm off to crochet!



  1. Karen at blueberry park has a really good tutorial so maybe check that one out. I love your fabric choices!

    1. I've just had a look at Karen's tutorial and I am going to mark the lines like she suggests. Thank you!

  2. Thanks Lucy. I'm going to try again. I got really frustrated with trying to set the seam properly so I need to sleep on it. I'll look at the tutorial you recommend too.

  3. At least you spent the time trying! From appearance of the block it is deceiving. Looks simple and not so! Bravo!

  4. If you still are stuck after trying with the other tutorials, give me a shout. You can come over and I'll go through it with you xx

    1. Thanks Gina. I'm leaving it until the weekend and trying blueberry park's tutorial, suggested by Lucy. I might give you a ring if things are as bad!

  5. I am cruising the party scene at Vicki's GYB party and found your lovely blog. Your quilting and knitting projects are lovely. My blog is some 13 1/2 months old now, so I am still not adept at the process. I tried your button for Google + to sign up to follow you but the drop-down menu to add you to my circle of G+ friends popped up. I have added you to my circle of friends to follow you that way. It is great meeting you and I hope, if you can find the time you might visit me over at Mimi Mine. Have a beautiful and blessed weekend!

  6. Oh dear - now you have me worried ! The next quilt on my "To do" list involves using Y seams! Those tutorial links may come in handy! Lynne.

  7. I figured out why I couldn't understand how to follow you the other day. Only part of your blog shows up on my screen. The far right is off screen. So I couldn't see "Follow Me on Bloglovin." I have figured it out now, I guess that's obvious. I really like your blog, and copied the Blog Without Obligations button. I like that it relieves the guilt.


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