Sunday, 12 January 2014

My first completed machine pieced block

The house is full of the most delicious smell of my marmalade simmering on the stove and the kitchen is steaming up. It's so cold outside today. We've had such a wet but mild winter so far.

I finished my (Polar) Bear Paw block last night for the Classic Meets Modern QAL and I am really pleased with it. It is a complete contrast to my sampler quilt both in colour and I hope in style. Its as modern as I can make it at the moment. I've looked at a few blogs and the possibilities seem endless but I'm going to leave doing improv etc until I have more experience with the actual machine piecing.

I'm hoping the block can be counted as modern because it features mainly solids with a sprinkling of a large modern print and the colour palette is cool and looks modern to me.

My very first machine pieced block
Even though I tried to cut accurately and sewed very slowly it came up nearer to 12" than 12.5". This was the reason I had to email Erin to check that the seam allowance was included. I'll have to see how the next blocks shape up. If they all come out a 12" I don't think there will be a problem but I may need to sew it again if all the rest are more accurate. That all said, I LOVE, love, love it!

So, wherever you are, keep warm, keep dry and have a good day.



  1. Beautiful block Catherine! I love it, very fresh and modern looking! Have you checked your seam allowances, are they an exact quarter? I've had people comment that their blocks came out at 12.5",and some 12.75", but you're the first with the block a bit small!

    I hope you're enjoying yourself!

    1. Hi Erin, I wonder whether it is my machine foot. Our tutor said that we may need to check them at our first class. Thats on Thursday. If mine is more than 1/4" I'll adjust the foot and re-do the block.
      I'm so enjoying the QAL and it's inspiring to see everybody's interpretation of the basic block. Can't wait for February!

  2. I love tossing one print among the solids!

    1. As I'm so new to patchwork I am finding it difficult to find out what makes quilts modern and don't have the skills yet to start going "off piste" with a design!

  3. Stunning block with very effective fabric choices. Isn't it fun seeing them all?

    1. Thank you. I'm going to do the block again this week in the same colours, just to get the size more accurate

  4. I love your block! The fabrics you've chosen are gorgeous and great colour palette. The print fabric is so perfect with the solids. Can't believe this is you first block!

    p.s. do you know your word verification is on? You can turn it off under 'settings', 'comments' - better to switch off anonymous comments to avoid spam :)

  5. Thanks Lucy, I've done it now! and thanks for your comments too. Its nice to know I'm going along the right lines.


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